Of course, we can help you increase your sales, as our platform attracts thousands of unique visitors per month. Just because you already have an e- shop does not mean that we are competitors. You can sign up and acquire membership, make a profile, publish your products and take advantage of the huge traffic that our platform has. However, we expect that you will not engage in any unlawful activity
Yes, we may not approve or later deactivate products on a case-by-case basis for which we do not have clear evidence that they have arisen from legitimate producers or traders who can issue all the necessary legal and financial documents.
We accept and approve the publication of only Moringa products- raw or packaged - by legal producers or traders registered in their home country. Of course, all producers must comply with the current legislation. However, each supplier is solely responsible for the quality of his/her products, but also for the publication of the products (description etc.).
No, in order to register on MoringaMart.org and publish your products, you must have all the licenses and be able to issue all the necessary papers (Invoice, Shipping Receipt etc.).
MoringaMart.org does not purchase Moringa products in order to resell them, does not store products and is not responsible for their transportation and quality control. MoringaMart.org is an online Marketplace for Moringa Products. Hence, it is your responsibility to invoice the Buyer and comply with the Law of the land (Your country)
No, MoringaMart.org does not purchase Moringa Products in order to resell them, does not store products and is not responsible for their transportation and quality control. MoringaMart.org is an online marketplace. You can sign up, acquire seller membership, publish your products, find buyers, give them a personalized quote, and then you can invoice and send the products.
1) Sign up as seller and acquire membership to become a Seller in MoringaMart.org
2) Publish your products with the prices you want.
3) Accept orders from Buyers (Businesses or individuals).
4) Receive payment and deliver your products.
MoringaMart.org offers you two important benefits: First, due to the high traffic of the platform, your products have thousands of views and this helps you find credible buyers (businesses and individuals). Secondly, MoringaMart.org provides you regular updates about industry trends, news, technology and events.
MoringaMart.org is the ultimate platform to attract your niche Moringa market. Going Global is a crucial task but it's a worthwhile one and can be a huge boost and benefit to your Moringa business. The MoringaMart.org can help you on your Global quest and make you task easy by connecting with thousands of international Moringa buyers
Taking your Moringa brand's international will help to grow your Moringa business. You can add streams of exposure and revenue when you break into new markets